What Causes Bunions and How Can They Be Prevented?

Curious about bunions? We’ll go over the basics below. After reading this, if you’d like to learn more about bunions and live in or near Crestview & Fort Walton Beach, FL, visit Emerald Coast Podiatry. Dr. Cosimo Ricciardi and Dr. Neil Patel can provide custom bunion prevention tips and more insights for you and your family.

The Common Causes of Bunions

Unfortunately, many different things can contribute to or cause bunions. That said, some things are more common than others. First, shoes are often the biggest culprit. You see, shoes that don’t fit correctly may push your toes together, causing the joint at the base of the big toe to stick out. Once it sticks out, wear and tear often increases, which in turn leads to a buildup of tissue. If the buildup is severe and pain and other issues emerge, you’ve got a bunion.

Some types of shoes seem more likely to cause bunions. High heels, in particular, are commonly linked to bunions, and as a result, this issue is more common among women (who, in turn, are more likely to wear high heels). Tight hosiery and socks that put undue pressure on the big toe may also contribute.

Some families also seem to suffer them generation to generation at a higher rate than is normal. This might be due to genetic factors like the shape of the foot. The risk of suffering this condition also increases with age. Injuries, your posture while walking, excess time on your feet, and other things could all contribute to bunions.

Think you’re suffering from this condition? Come see Dr. Ricciardi and Dr. Patel at Emerald Coast Podiatry. He can diagnose and help you deal with bunions in Crestview & Fort Walton Beach, FL.

Bunion Prevention Explored

Ideally, you want to prevent bunions before they form or become a big issue. Often, the biggest step you can take is to get shoes that put less pressure on the toes. If you find that your socks or hosiery are putting pressure on the toes, changing what you wear could help. It's also possible that shoe inserts will relieve pressure on your toes.

In some cases, to prevent future bunions, you’ll need to have your current bunions surgically removed and then have the joint at the base of your toe fused. This can prevent or at least reduce the formation of bunions. Other things, like giving your feet rest and soaking them, might also help.

Looking for a custom treatment plan for bunions in Crestview & Fort Walton Beach, FL? Dr. Ricciardi and Dr. Patel at Emerald Coast Podiatry can assist. Dial 850 862 4119 to get in touch. Call for more information today at (850) 862-4119 for the office in Fort Walton Beach, FL, and (850) 682-6522 for the office in Crestview, FL.

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